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March 13th Meeting

Our regular Meeting on March 13th will take place at Kyoudou Center and via Zoom at 7 p.m. Lalo Guerro, Ph.D.will speak on Geologic Hazards at our May 8th meeting. Gresham Butte Neighborhood Association Agenda — Regular Meeting March 13, 2024 7:00 p.m. Hybrid Meeting...

Volunteer on Tues. Feb 13th

Gresham Butte Neighborhood Association will for a third time in four years be restoring more forest on public greenspace on Gresham Butte where blackberries have overtaken woodland due to the demise of many alders. Before planting trees in March we need to cut the...

GBNA Bylaws Committee

Our Association has a standing Bylaws Committee. It is chaired by our Vice-President. The official copy of our Bylaws is on the City website at . However, the text there is not searchable. Here is an...

Outdoor burning?

Final season for backyard burning within Gresham city limits: Oct. 14 – Dec. 16, 2023, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Clear it with the City first! Call 503-618-3083 .See the City webpage…

GBNA Meeting Nov. 8

Meeting Agenda | Gresham Butte Neighborhood Association11/08/2023 7:00 pm by Zoom I. Welcome and Establish QuorumII. Approval of MinutesIII. Introduction of New OfficersIV. Public...